Thursday, June 19, 2014

Quality Time with Old Friends

Sometimes it is weird to think that our parents had lives before they had us, but apparently they did …

Back in college my mom had a really close group of friends and most of them stay in touch to this day (easily 20-25 years later). They all met and hung out a lot in India and even after some of them came to the states for school they would still make a point to hang out and visit each other. 

Their early trips as grad students in the US. (Left to Right: My mom was in Atlanta,  Shakeel Uncle was in DC,  Rashmi Aunty was in New Jersey,  and Asad Uncle was in Texas)

While in undergraduate engineering school they would all go out and enjoy picnics by the water. (Left to Right: Ashish Uncle, Asad Uncle, My mom, Rashmi Aunty, and Shakeel uncle sitting down)

Feroze Uncle is the one with his back to us in this picture. Another close friend in this group who now lives in Seattle.

Last week my mom's old friend from college, Shakeel Uncle and his family came to stay with us for a few days. They were incredibly kind and it was wonderful to see how strong true friendships are. Shakeel Uncle, his wife Birjis Aunty and their two daughters Sahar and Zia live in Austin, Texas and they were very excited to see what California has to offer. *cough cough* 'not much'. They came to stay with us from Thursday to Sunday and were here to see their family member graduate from college. It was fun listening to old stories and seeing how happy they all were to see each other again after so long. But for me, the beautiful thing was that it almost seemed like they had seen each other yesterday. Especially with my mom and Birjis Aunty, since they had not seen each other in 15 years! They weren't awkward at all and neither were we, it was as much their home as it was ours and neither of us would have wanted it any other way. We took them to see Muir Woods and we went out to dinner a few times as well. 

(Left to Right: Birjis Aunty, my mom and Shakeel Uncle)

Here we are! (Left to Right: my sister, Zia, me, and Sahar) 

What I love most about their visit is that Sahar, Zia and I had never met before but we all got along really well. Ok well, Sahar and I had hung out when we were babies, apparently we stuffed our diapers with rocks and shenanigans like that. But I don't remember so it doesn't count, ok? Anyways, what I love most about their visit was that it felt like we were family. They were more than happy to have us tag along when they visited their other friends and they even invited us to their cousin's Stanford graduation which was just amazing. 

All in all I thoroughly enjoyed their visit and they are splendid people. 

I can't wait to see them again!


  1. I am left speechless and having a hard time stopping the tears roll down the eyes. Ashwini, you made my day! Thanks for reminding us our prior lives ... the amazing fun we had... thru photos too... sometimes one forgets in the daily grind. One can't imagine how much Rashmi and myself have your mom to thank for - we are so glad to have her in our lives. We miss you all being far away in India. Hope to get together some day. So when she visited us last, it was like a festival!

  2. Loved the blog Ashwini specially written so fondly about all of us. Both Shakeel and I and the girls felt the same love with you all too. All the people mentioned in your blog share a beautiful bond of friendship between each other; I am so glad it got extended to spouses and children and has created a large family. All of us are blessed to have such good friends.

    stay in touch guys all the time.



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